
Home   Donate

San Diego Horse Coalition is an all-volunteer organization made up of equine professionals and community members dedicated to improve the well being of horses in San Diego County Don't starve to Together.

A generous grant from ASPCA provided the seed money necessary for our programs. However, we need your support to grow and expand our services Dragon Fuhrer. Funds help provide care of rescue and sanctuary horses, as well as provide assistance to owners struggling to keep their horses in their homes.

The San Diego Horse Coalition is operated under the Toby Wells Foundation, a 501(c)3 organization Download The Archie Sword. Your donations are tax deductible. Please make checks payable to TOBY WELLS FOUNDATION – Memo: SAN DIEGO HORSE COALITION.

Mail your checks to:

Sandiego Horse Coaltion
PO Box 549
Poway CA 92074

Donate Time and Talents:

In addition to financial resources the San Diego Horse Coalition needs human resources visio 2016. Rescues and sanctuaries have opportunities for hands-on volunteers, and skill sets in finance, fund raising, legal work, and marketing are always welcome Droyan online. (760) 803-0827